Instant Armpit Gratification
If you rock deodorant, or avoid grey at all costs keep reading. I'm about to share a procedure with you that's going to change your pit stain game forever!!! I mean, raise your hand if you want to wear your high dollar, dry-clean-only garments, as many times as possible before you send them out for cleaning.
And what about that stress sweating!?! I sweat every time I'm cold or nervous and that B.O. is on another level. (If you know, you know!) You guys, this usually happens while I’m in BED. Isn't that disgusting!?! Talk about a turn off... #selfconscious
MiraDry is also another solution to living a more natural, toxin-free lifestyle. No deodorant needed! Did you know deodorant ONLY controls 20% of sweat and CLINICAL strength only controls 30%!?! That's a lot of sweat and odor still stinking up our lives. Miradry controls 82% of that and FOREVER.
MiraDry is the only FDA-cleared treatment that can safely, permanently, immediately and non-surgically reduce underarm sweat & stank. The procedure itself looks like this;
Numb it; A local anesthesia is administered to assure you won’t feel a thing.
Mark it; A temporary tattoo is applied to your pit as a guide during the procedure.
Treat it; The area is treated with the miraDry wand. The system uses thermal energy that targets and eliminates the sweat and odor glands in your underarm. Once those glands are eliminated, they do not grow back.
My personal experience progressed a little something like this…
The entire visit was an absolute breeze. Even the local anesthesia didn’t hurt at all. (Pro-tip: DO NOT look at the ‘needle’ used to administer your anesthesia. It looks like a mid-evil torturing device, however only feels like pressure is being applied with the eraser end of a pencil. Trust me when I tell you, it’s not bad at all!)
You literally kick back, numb up, get a temporary tattoo and the process begins. It feels like a hand held vacuum cleaner, leeching onto your armpit 30ish seconds at a time. A little lube was applied to my pits and the wand was moved around until the entire area was covered. Once in awhile I’d hear a suction sound, but I couldn’t feel a thing. My direction was to raise my hand if I felt a burning sensation. This only happened once and immediately stopped after I said something.
Immediately following the procedure it was all ice, ice, baby and I miiiiight have popped an ibuprofen that was strong AF left over from a past prescription to get a jump on the pain and swelling. I was still completely numb.
5 hours post procedure my pits were officially in pain. It's not an unbearable, out of commission, fetal position kind of pain. It's more like a constant fiery ache. On a scale of 1-10 it's a solid 5. Like, okayyyy feel free to exit stage left.
6 hours post procedure.... Grouchy. The heat was on and the pitty party had begun.
7 hours post procedure & my pits were on fiiiiiiiire (Cue Alicia Keys-Girl On Fire) Constantly icing and wondering what life would be like without that ibuprofen. In fact, I contemplated popping another.
8 hours post procedure: That ice felt better than sex and I was ready for a glass of wine. Correction, a bottle of wine. (Pro-tip: Invest in quality ice-packs that stay cold. I learned this the hard way. (Click here for my favorites on Amazon)
The day after the procedure the fire was out. Hallelujah!!! My pits were still sore and numb in spots, but I didn't need to take any pain medication. It was completely manageable. Pro-tip: DO NOT SHAVE while your armpits are lumpy and numb. If you can’t stand embracing what hair is left on your underarms, I suggest waxing. (That’s right, you’re going to loose up to 70% of your underarm hair forever. BONUS!!!)
One week later my pits were still tender and all the swelling had gone down, allowing me to see just how lumpy they looked. I freaked and checked with my nurse to make sure this was normal. It was, so when this happens to you, rest assured. I noticed when I was tired the tenderness bothered me more. I took advil as needed.
Two weeks later and my underarms were still a bit tender and numb, but I could tell they were slowly getting better!!! I developed actual bruises in the areas that were a lovely shade of purple and green. Camo is trending, right!?!
TWO MONTHS post procedure and I’m happy to report that all my lumps and bumps have gone away. I’m back to a natural fleshy tone, nearly hairless and still staying dry AF. It’s common for patients to have two miraDry procedures in order to achieve maximum results, so over the course of the next few months I’ll be periodically performing a sniff test to see if I need to go in one more time. So far though, I’m loving living this dryer, all natural, nearly hairless, B.O. free life!!!
I received miraDry at The Waldorf Center For Plastic Surgery. (Where I go for all things beauty beyond hair, nails & lashes.) I can’t recommend them enough, as all of their surgeons are board-certified and they’ve been in practice for nearly 27 years!