DockATot (multi-functional lounger & co-sleeper) Grand Review
/Let's face it, there are a million things on the market to consider once that positive pee stick arrives and I admit, I was part of the classic cliche,
"I'm going to be a strict, minimalist mom."
That was short lived and you know what, I'm totally okay with that. I didn't have to walk up hill both ways to school and if being a millennial mom means having the luxury of products like the DockATot to make both mine & my babies lives that much more enjoyable, I'm going to be nothing but thankful.
Disclaimer. Just because someone else loves something, doesn't mean you or your baby will. There are two things that always seem to be very popular mom must-haves that frankly, were never big hits in the Hulings household. Carriers/slings & swings. I tried them all. My best advice is to move on. You can always re-gift something that didn't end up working for you and your babe to someone else in need, or save it for your next bundle of joy.
Mom life has definitely taught me that not everything is in my control (I'm still adjusting).
I admit that the DockATot was one of those items that completely surprised me and If I'm keeping it 100, I thought it was a pricey pillow that resembled our Great Dane's dog bed. It's also one of those items that now, after experiencing the love my boys have for this lounger, I only wish we would have had sooner. Talk about a godsend in the early stages of life when sleep was a hot commodity!?! #cosleeping
Here's the skinny. The DockATot is a multi-functional lounger & co-sleeper. They're offered in two sizes (Deluxe 0-8 Months & Grand 9-36 months) and both have the most beautiful machine washable covers I've ever seen. Seriously, DockATot you NEED to make sheets!!! They're designed in Sweden and handmade in Europe with all natural, 100% cotton. They've also been OEKO-TEX certified and tested for breath-ability, making them the ideal micro-climate for babies and tots.
This lounger comes at a cost (We received our Lush & Fern Grand, compliments of DockATot), but trust me, you get what you pay for. I've looked up other multi-functional loungers since receiving this product and they just don't compare. The stitching, fabric thread-count, design/shape, pads, covers, certifications... This lounger is the Rolls Royce of loungers and I cannot wait to be able to use it while transitioning Otto to a toddler bed. We officially have a stage 5 climber!
Here's another revelation I had regarding our DockATot. I spent weeks researching mattresses for my boys cribs before I made a decision. I read a ridiculous amount of reviews and researched them to the hilt. Why? Because that wasn't an area that I personally wanted to settle in. I settled for the Wal-mart onsies. My point is, I paid a lot of money for something that in my eyes held a lot of value and the DockATot really is no exception. Call it a millennial must-have if you will, but it's a must-have in my eyes nonetheless. The DockATot aids with sleep in the beginning stages of life and allows for a comfy-cozy hangout that outweighs mama's lap later on, allowing more time to check things off of that never ending to-do list. Oh, and you can take it anywhere! #winning