There are a lot of things I could say about being a sahm, but what I really want to mention is the wife part....
I used to think "I got you, Boo!" was such a delightful term of endearment. I mean, how nice is that!?! No matter what happens, they've got each other. (Sigh) Well, when a bitches OCD flares up, things are bound to take on a whole new meaning...
I grew up with the notion that the perfect family dynamic was actually a thing. I’m still learning it’s not and as time goes on, the plot only thickens...
You know that unspoken bar that somehow was ingrained in you, somewhere along the line!?! I’ll give you an example, S E X. Whoever came up with how often couples should engage in sexual intercourse to maintain a “healthy” relationship can take a hike.
This house was a 4,500 square foot nightmare that I had torn apart and gutted before I woke up. News flash. Building material is expensive, especially when you need butt loads of it. So, here I sit. In remodel hell, four years and two kids later...
Let's face it, there are a million things on the market to consider once that positive pee-stick arrives and I admit, I was part of the classic cliche...
First off, for those of you that don't know. I'm the stay at home mama of two little boys. Our farm life in Oregon is wet, muddy, hairy and all around dirty. So naturally when I came across the Lorena Canals machine-washable (in a standard washer and dryer) line of rugs and cushions, I did a happy dance!
The most consistent tradition I have is going into the holidays with picture perfect expectations and quickly remembering I'm not living in a Hallmark movie, but you know what!?! I go into it every year with those same unrealistic expectations and wouldn't change a thing...
It's time to spill mama's! My three-nager poops his pants daily and this one time instead of me pre-washing his undies by hand, I waved the lazy flag and threw them...
I don't care if you're rockin' that fluffy mom bod, sporting massive muscles in true #fitmom form or ditching that spare tire and set of love handles for jeans you wore in high school. BE YOU, DO YOU, FOR YOU, remember!?!
...So ladies, for baby number one... As a general rule, do not go to the hospital until the contractions fucking hurt and trust me, they will!!!
Money is such a taboo subject. No one actually wants to admit that they want more of it. Why!?! Because money buys 'things' and we've all been raised that being materialistic is shameful...
If you rock deodorant, or avoid grey at all costs keep reading. I'm about to share a procedure with you that's going to change your pit stain game forever…
This post is for the haters. The girls that are curious & the babes that are absolutely clueless…
Should you ever find yourself visiting the Pacific Northwest The Salishan Resort & Spa is an absolute must see. The 250 acre, all-inclusive resort & recreation destination is the perfect combination of old and new…
If you’re in the market for a new bed, than this review is for you. If you’re not, (like I wasn’t) this review might still be for you. Here’s why….
Have you ever just wanted to punch fear right in the face!?! I tend to put a mask on my fears. The "That's not for me", "You do you" mask. It's a complete and utter cop out that pains me to admit. As a whole I'm a confident person but let's be real, we all have our weaknesses...